by reshni_admin | Nov 2, 2018 | News & Blog
Managing your firewall is a strain on your business – if your business is not cybersecurity. You have to maintain the level of expertise, ensure everything is documented, and make sure that if someone leaves, new personnel can get up-to-speed quickly and...
by reshni_admin | Oct 5, 2018 | News & Blog
It’s easier. It’s simpler. Lets face it, it’s human nature. It’s your biggest security weakness. If you consider how many online platforms that you and your staff have ever signed up to (suppliers, vendors, customers, marketing, social media,...
by reshni_admin | Sep 19, 2018 | News & Blog
Firstly, what is a zero-day attack?! This is a device or software vulnerability that is currently unknown to vendors, distributors, anti-virus companies, I.T. teams and the wider I.T. community. In fact, unknown to everyone apart from the unscrupulous hackers...
by reshni_admin | Aug 14, 2018 | News & Blog
Not having Microsoft updates will cause considerably more issues and considerably greater consequences for your business. But it’s something we hear a lot here at Aflex HQ. The ‘scary’ truth is that there are a large number of already well-documented...
by reshni_admin | May 22, 2018 | News & Blog
But don’t panic. There’s still time to take a look at your data practices. GDPR is too big a topic to compress into this entry, but here’s a brief list of the areas you need to consider: Where does our customer data come from? Are our customers aware that...
by reshni_admin | Apr 13, 2018 | News & Blog
Every single little piece (or packet) of information entering or leaving your network has to go through the firewall. If this involves streaming video or a large download the amount of work your firewall has to do, can get very large. Multiply that by the number of...